Wishlist Wednesday #32

2:00 AM

Wishlist Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Pen to Paperwhere we tell you about a book that is currently on our wishlist that we are excited for!

This week on Phil's Wishlist:

The newest Palahniuk novel concerns Madison, a thirteen year old girl who finds herself in Hell, unsure of why she will be there for all eternity, but tries to make the best of it.

The author described the novel as "if The Shawshank Redemption had a baby by The Lovely Bones and it was raised by Judy Blume." And "it's kind of like The Breakfast Club set in Hell."

Everything about this book draws my attention, from the cool Tattoo-esque cover, to the synopsis itself; I mean, something described as "The Breakfast Club in Hell" must be amazing, its just fate. The reviews for this book are really good, and it isn't too big of a book, which is always appealing. I hope to get this book very soon, for the amazing story line, but also because the second book was just released and the cover is amazing, I am actually obsessed with it!

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  1. I haven't read any of his books, but I loved the movie Fight Club so I must read the books as well. :)
    Hope you get it soon!
    My WW

  2. I haven't read any of these books. I hope you get it soon!
    My WW: http://sparetimebookblog.blogspot.com/2013/10/wishlist-wednesday-68.html
    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog

  3. I haven't read any of his books, and I always just assume that they're not really for me... but the concept of "if The Shawshank Redemption had a baby by The Lovely Bones and it was raised by Judy Blume" sounds pretty amazing to me!

    My Wednesday Post

  4. Haven't heard of this one before, but it does look interesting. Hopefully you get to read it soon!
    Here's my WW: http://danielleheartsbooks.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/wishlist-wednesday-23.html


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