Unbreakable by Kami Garcia

5:26 PM

Pages: 305
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
ISBN: 9780316210171
Genre: Paranormal YA

Review by Phil

Synopsis(Goodreads.com)- When Kennedy Waters finds her mother dead, her world begins to unravel. She doesn’t know that paranormal forces in a much darker world are the ones pulling the strings. Not until identical twins Jared and Lukas Lockhart break into Kennedy’s room and destroy a dangerous spirit sent to kill her. The brothers reveal that her mother was part of an ancient secret society responsible for protecting the world from a vengeful demon — a society whose five members were all murdered on the same night.
Now Kennedy has to take her mother’s place in the Legion if she wants to uncover the truth and stay alive. Along with new Legion members Priest and Alara, the teens race to find the only weapon that might be able to destroy the demon — battling the deadly spirits he controls every step of the way.

My Thoughts (Spoiler Free)

Unbreakable was everything I would have loved three years ago. It was extremely quick and easy to read. The characters were spunky and all had individual and distinct personalities and on the surface the story was entertaining. However, now that I am no longer an overweight high school Sophomore who could literally have read a pile of shit and think it was amazing, I am wholly unimpressed.

The story, while it does move quickly, was really just bland. There was no plot development and overall the adventure seemed too easy for the characters. Every time they were faced with a new dilemma they either figured it out immediately or take a ridiculous chance based off of little evidence and either way it ends up leading them exactly where they want to be.

Also don't get me started on the insta-love in this book. But really I can't even call it love. The "romance" between Jared and Kennedy is literally introduced out of nowhere. She says he is dark and mysterious (seriously how many dark and mysterious but wildly attractive teenage boys can there be in the world YA authors?) and he talks to her like twice, and then they are making out when they are about to die (seriously priorities people).

It really pains me to say this but I think Garcia needs Stohl to write. Im still a fan of hers, just not a fan of this book. 3/5 stars.

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